Audi LZ9Y Touch up paint kit


Special TCHsystem touch up paint kit for repairing or masking minor damages. The set includes primer 10 ml, paint 15 ml and clearcoat 15 ml. 2 in 1 touch up pen can be used in two ways:

  1. The needle is used for minor scratches.
  2. Brush is used for bigger damages.

How to use:

  • Clean the surface before use.
  • Shake the bottle for 15-30s.
  • Primer is used only if the car’s surface is damaged to bare metal.
  • Cover the damaged area with paint by using brush or needle.
  • After paint is fully dry, cover with clearcoat for maximum protection from the environment. After using the clearcoat the surface will be shiny and not matte.

We produce all car body colors.

If the desired color is not found, please contact us and we will make the color for you. Our contacts:

SKU: AudiLZ9Y Category:

Additional information

Touch up paint kit

Paint, Paint + Clearcoat, Primer + Paint + Clearcoat

